Church History :
The history of the Mar Thoma Church is divided into three main eras viz. 1.
Pre-Reformation 2. Reformation and 3. Post Reformation. Pre-Reformation Era St.
Thomas, the Apostle of Jesus Christ is believed to have landed in AD 52 in
Cranganore near , which was at that time an important seaport on the Malabar
Coast, having trade connections with the Middle East in those days. F.E. Keay in
his book, A History of the Syrian Church in India has established
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Parish History :
The history of Mar Thoma Syrian Church goes back to 52 AD. Apstole St Thomas,
reached the Malabar Coast and established seven Churches at Malankara
(Chavakkadu), Paravoor, Kokkamgulam, Kolam, Niranam, Nilakal.The believers were
called as the St Thomas Christians and we are descendants of the first
Christians. During the second World War, there was a sudden expansion of Defence
installations and factories in and around Pune
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